I checked my hosts file here it is

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.       alpha.domain2.com localhost   alpha.domain2.com localhost

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jon Carnes
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 10:47 PM
To: Todd
Cc: 'Mailman'
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Analysis of reasons for bounce responses

If anyone has sysadmin access to a server running CPanel, I would be
happy do some trouble-shooting on the problem.

>From the aggregate complaints it sounds like Cpanel has introduced an
error with Exim. It could be something as simple as a timeout value.

Are the servers also running a local DNS server - and set to resolve
using as the primary nameserver? There are so many things that
could be a problem...

On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 20:43, Todd wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Christine De La Rosa wrote:
> > When I got this dedicated server, it had mailman pre-installed so I 
> > thought kewl I will use it instead.  It ran fabulously until cpanel 
> > did their last upgrade.  I have been in hell since then.
> Unfortunately, I work on a site which is hosted using cPanel.  It's a 
> far cry from the problem free experience I have with my own mailman 
> installs which "just work."  When they finally did the upgrade to 
> 2.1.2, I had some immediate problems with bounces but then the server 
> admin applied an update from cPanel that seems to have fixed that.  I 
> don't know it the bounces were at all similar to what you're having, 
> but I mention it in case you haven't applied whatever updates cPanel 
> has pushed out.  It was either a mailman or exim update, I'm not sure 
> since I don't admin the box.
> Of course, the cPanel upgrade to 2.1.2 also broke some virtual host 
> stuff for me that I have yet to get the host to work out.  I have 
> tried and tried to contact the folks at cPanel directly to find out 
> what patches they apply to mailman and request the sources for those 
> changes (as *required* by the
> GPL) to no avail.  They have simply ignored me.  I find that really
> annoying.  If anyone knows of a way to reach someone at cPanel, please
> us know.  I'd like to point out to them that they *need* to make their
> changes available to the public.  I'm not a fan of folks making money
off of
> the work of open source software and then not even having the courtesy
> honoring the few license requirements there are.
> - -- 
> Todd              OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL:
> ======================================================================
> ======
> I got stopped by a cop the other day.  He said, "Why'd you run that
> sign?"  I said, "Because I don't believe everything I read."
>     -- Stephen Wright
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.3rc2 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: When crypto is outlawed bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.
> iD8DBQE/KbfEuv+09NZUB1oRAuC3AKCsj14RKywYjQtf3cXdIbFW2tOGtgCgsI7w
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> =27TD
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