Hello again!

I was able to figure out the solution to my own problem, but wanted to pass 
the solution on. I found that the /usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/Defaults.py 
contained the URL references that were redirecting my attempts to open the 
admin web pages for my lists to some where else. By going in and changing 
the URLs I was able to correct my own problem and complete my install in 

Again thank you for a great program like Mailman!

David Patton

-----Original Message-----
From:   David Patton
Sent:   Monday, August 04, 2003 8:21 AM
Subject:        Help with unknown url being inserted into admin page


In the course of setting up a mailman box, I have had little and or no 
problem in setting it up.

But now that the time draws nie that it goes live, I have come across a 
disturbing problem. When I create new lists, they are now directed to 
http://cyberhq.internal.cyberhqz.com/mailman/admin/listname rather than to 
the local box (which is surreyresort.com) . I have no idea why and or where 
this could have
come from and could use any suggestions. Up until today I have had no 
problems with this machine. Yesterday I did run an apt-get update and
upgrade(I know I forgot to mention that this is a debian boxen) but nothing 
involving mailman was updated.

Any suggestions?


David Patton
MIS Dept
Phone - 417-332-8253
Pager - 417-348-2077

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