Thanks, worked like a champ.

Now my next problem after fixing that one. Looks like the messages are
getting stuck in the "virgin" directory? I'm using Sendmail and not sure
I've done everything I need to do. I do have the aliases set up assuming
I did it correctly. 

I have not search the archives on this one yet, but I will. 

Thanks for the help.

On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 14:56, Richard Barrett wrote:
> See:
> and in particular the comment under the heading 'Existing versus new 
> lists'
> On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 07:42  pm, James Pifer wrote:
> > I'm new to mailman and have everything setup except for one problem.
> > I've tried searching the archives but didn't find my resolution.
> >
> > I have it installed (version 2.1.2) and created a list. It seems fine
> > except that some of the links in the forms are not using my domain
> > settings, rather that have an IP address in the URL like,
> > For example, when you try to subscribe the Subscribe button tries to
> > post to the IP address rather than the domain.
> >
> > I've tried setting the defaults for HOST and URL in, but
> > still can't get it fixed.
> >
> > Can anyone tell me what I might be missing?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > James
> >
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Richard Barrett                     

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