
You are correct. Unfortunately, the exact step-by-step instructions will depend on the MUA (Mail User Agent or email program) you use.

What Mailman does is send out the confirmation mail with two attachments. The first attachment is the original message so you can read it and be informed. The second attachment is the message you need to reply to if you want to approve or discard the message.

If your MUA allows you to reply to the attached message, the instructions are reasonable. If your MUA does not allow you to do this, you have to compose a new message and copy the Subject: of this attachment and make sure you send it to the <listname-request> address.

Here is a more complete example:

First, the second attachment message:

"Subject: confirm 390a5be57d976cd1b3954224f81d9e3c520e0e97

If you reply to this message, keeping the Subject: header intact,
Mailman will discard the held message.  Do this if the message is
spam.  If you reply to this message and include an Approved: header
with the list password in it, the message will be approved for posting
to the list.  The Approved: header can also appear in the first line
of the body of the reply."

Second, you want to approve the message. Your message back to Mailman should look like this:

Subject:  confirm 390a5be57d976cd1b3954224f81d9e3c520e0e97
Approved: MyPassword

Where "MyPassword" is the list administrator's or moderator's password. If your MUA allows you to make it part of the header, do so. If it doesn't make absolutely sure it is the first line of the text of the message.

Third, you want to discard the message. Everything is the same except you don't put in the "Approved: MyPassword" line.

Hope this helps.

Blessed Arrows wrote:
Is there a way to approve posts by replying to the message pending email that we receive? If so, can you please give instructions as to how to do this. The instructions at the bottom of each message pending email are not very clear.
Thank you,
Cindy McDaniels


John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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