Hi Richard,

Quoting Richard Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Rob's bug report, as with yours, lack precision in specifying exactly  
> which Mailman generated pages have links on them which contain (in the  
> HTML text), absolute URLs referring to the wrong hostname. See my  
> comments below on the broadfer questions that need to be answered in  
> order to attack the perceived problem.

Sorry, I thought it was clear enough.  I will elaborate.

> I do not work with it myself, but I believe that the CPanel virtual  
> hosting support software, which your hosting provider may be using,  
> does perform some trickery to help avoid conflicts between list names  
> on different virtual hosts. If your hosting provider is using that and  
> something related to it is misconfigured then this may be contributing  
> to the problem.

Correct.  The list directory gets names <listname>_<domain> to avoid conflicts 
with any other similarly named lists.  CPanel is what is being used in this 

This means that any other virtual host on the server can access the mail 
archives by providing the correct path name to the list.

> When you say "if the archive is public, then the address is  
> http://myhostingprovidersservername.com/pipermail/listname"; what  
> precisely do you mean?

What I mean is that the link to the archives, and only this link, from what I 
can see, shows the hosting provider's server name and not the virtual domain 
for the client.

I have a list called "test" on clientdomain1.

The path to the list and all the admin pages etc is 

This list could also be accessed by another virtual domain on the same server 

When the archives are set to public, the archive address is:

When the list archives are set to public, then the archive address is:

I would expect this to read:
or similar.

This appears the same on both the main page for the list and in the admin 

> Or are there links on other pages on the server that have the  
> 'defective' domain in their URLs?


> To get much further with diagnosing the problem will need a bit more  
> input from you.

I hope I have provided enough info for you - if not, please tell me what else 
you need to know.

many thanks,


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