Yahoo! does that for a LOT of email, not necessarily because it comes from
Mailman.  For the record, all my Mailman "delivered" (note: Mailman doesn't
deliver mail, your MTA does) email, sent to my personal Yahoo! address, is
arriving in the intended destination not the bulk/junk email folder.

More than likely you have an MTA configuration error or your MTA is not
designed/setup (rDNS, clean IP/Network, etc) appropriately enough to satisfy
Yahoo! polices.

-Jim P.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Angel Gabriel
> Sent: Monday, 11 August, 2003 11:14
> It seems that hotmail and yahoo are sending mail from mailman straight
> to junk folders, this is REAL bad, especially because it's possible to
> delete junk folders without actually looking in them.
> Why is this, is this because there is a bulk mail setting in the mail
> header? If so, how can I stop this being written into the mail?

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