Hi guys,

I've been looking for a global blacklist or spam filter. I know how to
add addresses and regexes on a per list basis, but this gets real
tedious if I want to ban something from all the lists I'm running on the
server. Is there a global list?

I found this KNOWN_SPAMMERS variable but it doesn't work for me. Maybe
I'm using it the wrong way. Here's what I've added to Mailman/mm_cfg.py:

KNOWN_SPAMMERS = [('subject', 'test')]

I send an email with subject 'test' to any of the lists and they aren't
blocked. What am I doing wrong?

Gerard Beekmans

/* Linux Consultant --- OSDN / DevChannel *
 * Technical Writer --- CheapBytes        */

/* If Linux doesn't have the solution, you have the wrong problem */

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