I don't think those errors mean too much (unless you upgraded and it
hasn't finished the upgrade...)

If your MTA is Postfix, be sure that you have followed all the advise in
the README.POSTFIX file.  Specifically make sure that local bounces are
not set to a 4xx error code (which means retry and retry and retry and
retry.....you get the idea).

Other than that, you might want to turn off archiving for the nonce and
see if that helps. Some slower servers with IDE drives have a very hard
time with this - especially if they don't have enough RAM.

Those are the two biggest causes of CPU over-run.

Best of Luck - Jon Carnes

On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 13:27, John Lange wrote:
> I'm new to Mailman and I'm having a major problem getting it to start.
> I had it setup and working and then I needed to reboot the server for a
> kernel upgrade.
> Now when I start mailman it causes python to burn 100% CPU until mailman
> is stopped.
> logs show nothing out of the ordinary.
> logs/qrunner
> Sep 11 12:20:40 2003 (4450) ArchRunner qrunner started.
> Sep 11 12:20:40 2003 (4452) CommandRunner qrunner started.
> Sep 11 12:20:40 2003 (4453) IncomingRunner qrunner started.
> Sep 11 12:20:40 2003 (4451) BounceRunner qrunner started.
> Sep 11 12:20:40 2003 (4455) OutgoingRunner qrunner started.
> Sep 11 12:20:40 2003 (4456) VirginRunner qrunner started.
> Sep 11 12:20:40 2003 (4454) NewsRunner qrunner started.
> Nothing in syslog either.
> I ran check_perms and everything checks out fine.
> check_db -va though shows some errors:
> List: announce
>    /usr/local/mailman/lists/announce/config.pck: okay
>    /usr/local/mailman/lists/announce/config.pck.last: okay
>     [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> '/usr/local/mailman/lists/announce/config.db'
>     [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> '/usr/local/mailman/lists/announce/config.db.last'
> List: mailman
>    /usr/local/mailman/lists/mailman/config.pck: okay
>    /usr/local/mailman/lists/mailman/config.pck.last: okay
>     [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> '/usr/local/mailman/lists/mailman/config.db'
>     [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
> '/usr/local/mailman/lists/mailman/config.db.last'
> Could this be the problem? Are those files critical? If so, what
> happened to those files? How can they be re-created?
> I've hit a brick wall here. With nothing being logged I don't know where
> to go from here.
> Thanks for any help.

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