have you tried using the ~mailman/bin/unshunt program?  It can take as
input the directory that you moved the qfiles into.

I haven't looked at the shunt/unshunt code, but it's worth a shot!

Jon Carnes

On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 11:17, Mike Alberghini wrote:
> Last week I upgraded mailman from 2.1.1 to 2.1.3.  Over the weekend mailman
> apparently stopped sending mail.  Sunday night it just stopped posting.
> I have spent the morning fiddling around with it and here is what I know:
> 1.  almost 22,000 have built up in mailman/qfiles/in
> 2.  moving all of these out allowed mail to start flowing again
> 3.  my error log has countless 'lost data files for filebase' entries
> 4.  if I move some of the old qfiles back into mailman/qfiles/in, they
>     don't get sent.
> Can anyone give me an idea of how to trace down the cause of this problem?
> Is there any way to get the 22,000 old qfiles sent?

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