Hi Pascal,

> I was wondering if there was a reason why the only Mailman version
> available as a stable debian package is version 2.0.11?
> Version 2.1.3 is marked as unstable. Is the new version still in beta or
> is it ready to be deployed on a production site. In other words, would you
> recommend upgrading from 2.0.11 to 2.1.3 on a production site that uses
> mailman extensibly?

I am using Mailman on a Woody server for managing the TYPO3 mailing lists.
Two weeks ago, I did an upgrade from 2.0.11 to a backported 2.1.2 version I
found at http://people.debian.org/~hmh/woody/hmh/

There were no big problems except some missing packages (you'll find them on
the same server!) and the mailman list which needed to be created.

Two weeks later, everything seems to work fine! However, it's still good to
make a backup of your server before proceeding with the updates.

Good luck!
- michael

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