I'm using Mailman 2.1.2 on FreeBSD v4.8-Release, built using the port. MTA is sendmail 8.12.8p1
Very frequently I will see the ArchRunner process using 99+ % of cpu. I have searched the archives and found lots of messages about qrunners using large percentages of cpu, but they all seem to talk about the fixes being related to actual mail processing (sendmail), not archRunner. I am assuming that if the problem was mail delivery or reception I would be seeing the large cpu use on a different qrunner process. My issue is specific to the archrunner process which I don't find much on in the archives/faq. I am using a pretty default install, haven't tweaked anything. If it helps... here are some possibly germane things: 1) I never seem to be able to catch anything in /usr/local/mailman/qfiles/archive, but that may be a timing thing, as my archives do appear to be getting updated. 2) I looked in the /usr/local/mailman/archives/private/*.mbox directories, and find listname.mbox at 33mb and listname.mbox.1 at 54mb. Could it be that these files are just so big that it takes huge amounts of cpu to add posts to these? I'm guessing they are the archives. This gives rise to several questions (someone else maintained this setup before I did). Does mailman split them (the .1 file), or can I just rename listname.mbox to listname.mbox.2 and mailman will have a smaller chunk to deal with? Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!!! I have another question or two but will post separately for them. Jay West --- [This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus] ------------------------------------------------------ Mailman-Users mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/ This message was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unsubscribe or change your options at http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/mailman-users/archive%40jab.org