On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 14:39, Garey Mills wrote:
> Hi -
>       I've got Mailman 2.1b2 installed. I have a problem because Mailman
> occasionally inserts a newline (x010) after the list name close bracket
> and before the subject description in the Subject: header line. It appears
> that this happens only with longer subject lines.
>       This causes a problem in Eudora, because the short display of the
> subject only shows the list name and not the subject description.
>        Is there a quick fix?
> Garey Mills
> Library Systems Office
> UC Berkeley
I was just looking at that code yesterday.  It's clearly laid out and
documented - and easily removed or modified. You wouldn't even need to
re-install, just edit and fly.

Have fun - Jon Carnes

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