On Tuesday, November 4, 2003, at 02:19 pm, patkins wrote:


Thanks for the help! I changed all the files in the cgi-bin to both root and mailman just to see if I could execute the files properly and neither worked. I compiled three different times using various flags to set guid, user, group etc. Nothing I do seems to fix this problem. Keep in mind the lists work perfectly! I just can't use the web > admins.

The error message you are getting is Mailman's CGI wrapper telling you that it has tried to look up the group name of the GID it was executed as and this has failed. It does this test using the getgid and getgrgid system calls (see the man pages): the check_caller() function in Mailman's $build/src/common.c is used. This check is a precursor to checking the group name recovered is the one the wrapper was told to expect via --with-cgi-gid on ./configure.

The text of the message you have got is rather unhelpful because it does not tell us what GID the wrapper was being executed as, whose lookup using getgrgid subsequently failed.

What GID is you Apache server running its child processes as? What does the Group directive in your httpd.conf say? Are you assigning a numeric GID rather than a group name with the Group directive and, if so, does that GID have an entry in your system's group file? If the answer to this last question is no, then that is your problem.

Let us know if you find a resolution to this.

You can see the effect of these system calls mentioned above, using Python from the command line, although the Mailman wrapper is calling the equivalent C functions. For instance:

mailman2:/home/mailman # su httpd
sh-2.05$ id
uid=598(httpd) gid=620(httpd) groups=620(httpd)
sh-2.05$ python
Python 2.2.2 (#3, Feb 11 2003, 16:57:53)
[GCC 2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import grp, os, sys
>>> os.getgid()
>>> grp.getgrgid(os.getgid())
('httpd', '*', 620, [])
>>> sys.exit()


On 03/Nov/2003 22:04:08, Jim Cole wrote:
On Monday, November 3, 2003, at 12:03 PM, patkins wrote:

The user and group exist:

group > mailman:x:506:
passwd > mailman:x:506:506::/usr/local/mailman:/dev/null
Mailman CGI error!!!
The Mailman CGI wrapper encountered a fatal error. This entry is being
stored in your syslog:
Failure to find group name mailman. Try adding this group
to your system, or re-run configure, providing an
existing group name with the command line option --with-cgi-gid.

Have you tried verifying the group outside of Mailman? For example have
you tried executing chgrp on some file using the mailman group? If that
works as expected, double check the group associated with the CGI
wrappers in Mailman's cgi-bin directory. A quick look at the code seems
to imply that either your group file is somehow broken or the group
settings are incorrect for one or more of your wrapper files.


Richard Barrett                               http://www.openinfo.co.uk

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