If you really have to deal with this, then send a final notice that all AOL users will be set to nomail and must set themselves back if they want to be on the list. Include directions for resetting from Nomail. Send the message, generate a digest, then change all the AOL folks.
It's that or unsub the lot of them.
But since that wasn't a viable option, I waited until I recieved the next set of 554 bounces and called AOL's Postmaster number 1-888-212-5537, since we'd never gotten any info back from the email addresses on http://postmaster.info.aol.com/ or been able to find the error on those pages.
The error is: (reason: 554 TRANSACTION FAILED 554 AOL will not accept delivery of this message)
The 554 error is a new one, they don't even have much info on it in their help resources. They ran our site through their test procedures and verified that we weren't blacklisted, and that we weren't an open relay and etc. The current fix that they are offering is to whitelist your site (take all the contact info and such), so they can work with you on the problem directly when it comes up.
The tech I talked to couldn't find a reason why the messages were being bounced. Especially since there is no pattern to the bouncing as far as mime/no mime, attachment/no attachment VERP/no VERP. It's been completely random.
Since I haven't been able to find anything specific on this in the FAQ's or Archives, I thought I'd share what little we've been able to find out on this problem.
M Ondercin.
M. Ondercin
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