I am very interested in the topic of configuring Mailman to allow
subscribe/unsubscribe requests without a password. From the archives Simon
White offered something of a solution and was willing to share it, but his
email was not in the message (as it should be).

I would be interested in Simon's or any other's solutions or thoughts on a

If you make your own subscribe page which takes the email address and
adds it to a text file, you can schedule a task every night to read that
file and unsubscribe the addresses in it.

I have a version of this theory working on a server using PHP, a little
shell script, and cron.  Let me know if it's of any use to you.


Simon White. Internet Consultant, Linux/Windows Server Administration.
email, dns and web servers; php javascript perl asp; MySQL MSSQL Access
     Bridging the gap between management, HR and the tech team.


Brian Haines

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