
BERTHOLD Jean wrote:

total 1327072
-rw-rw-r--   1 mailman  mailman  679109463 Jan 29 14:40 etrans-echanges.mbox
[EMAIL PROTECTED] # vi etrans-echanges.mbox     
[EMAIL PROTECTED] # vi etrans-echanges.mbox
"etrans-echanges.mbox" Tmp file too large

You can also try and figure out which message in the mbox file you want to start archiving (instead of deleting them from the file) and run

.../bin/arch --start=N --wipe etrans-echange

At least this should get you started.

I didn't pay very close attention to the size originally.

So my next guess is to try the "--start=N" option I mentioned above. See if you can figure out approximately how many messages you want to discard, by looking at the archives.

People with more Linux experience can suggest better approaches.

You can get fairly close to the number of messages in the .mbox file by running grep and wc:

grep "Return-Path:" etrans-echange.mbox | wc -l

This will tell you how many lines in the .mbox file have Return-Path: in them.

If not, just use trial and error. Start with some number like half of the number you got above and if you have too many messages left in the archives, go up as needed.


John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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