If you look *way* back in the archives you'll see a discussion from 3+
years back where I setup a client to be able to be able to do command
line activities via special email addresses to a mailman list.
Afterwards I coached someone else in a successful effort to do the same.
The special addresses (like [EMAIL PROTECTED]) did a
specified Admin task for a list. Each email had to start with a text
line that included a special enabling password - something like:
 password: ubergeek

That was followed by a list of email addresses to be removed from the

The script sent back a confirmation email indicating which users had
been removed and which were not (and the reason they were not - such as,
"email address not found on list".

These small command-lets are very easy to write.

Of course these days, I would simply hack the Python code and add the
desired functionality. Mailman's code is fairly easy to follow and it's
all cut and paste. You might look at it as a good way to learn Python!

Do you happen to have a link for this or know the title?

While these sound like some good strategy suggesions, unfortuantely they way that this is installed on
my hosting I don't have access to the scripts (I think they are on a separate server) and I do not have
shell access.
I was hoping to come across some builtin Mailman functionality. This is important as it is going to be
a component of a system I am developing for someone that I may try to make more widely available
and that would only work if it takes advantage of standard installation and functionality.

I have managed to get a subscription request submitted by email using the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
address, BUT it waits for approval or confirmation (dependant on particular Mailman setting) rather than
being submitted straightaway. So near yet so far!
I am beginning to think that I am going to have to stick to using lyris which is a pity,



------------------------------------------------------ Mailman-Users mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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