<x-tad-bigger>I'm using Apple's included version of Mailman 2.1 to run some small mailing lists, and I'm used to having to turn the lists back on after minor OS updates. This time, however, I can't get the lists turned back on, and the downside of GUIs is that they're often opaque when they fail (this one certainly is).

My list configuration is still present and accounted for, the configuration web pages are still there and seem to work, but messages to the lists vanish. No bounce, no (obvious) errors and no output to subscribers.

Is anyone else using the Apple provided Mailman version on 10.3 server? Did the update to 10.3.3 stop list deliveries?

In a former life I was a Solaris admin, any pointers for some command line stuff I can do to determine where the messages are getting stuck?

Thanks in advance,

Richard Lane
try this command on your server:

sudo /usr/share/mailman/bin/mailmanctl -s restart

I had this problem at the most inopportune time. It appears that the update shuts down mailman, but does not clean it up, so the master lock still in place. By performing this, it clears this file so that mailman can operate correctly. Also note: all of the messages sent to your lists have not been lost, they will flow through when you get this cleared.

Why -s is not the default startup mode is beyond me.

Jon Thompson
Jon Thompson Consulting
(515) 360-0250
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