On 26 Mar 2004, at 16:00, Jamie L. Penman-Smithson wrote:

On Fri, 2004-03-26 at 15:21, Bulcaen Bob wrote:

Is it possible to approve automatically new subscriptions.
That is, without approval via the mailmaster.

Many thanks for the answer, and the great software !

See the previous thread "Stopping the confirmation email" for ways of doing this, and why it is a **Very Bad Idea** (and may actually be illegal in some areas):

Not requiring approval and not requiring confirmation are two different things.

With MM 2.1.x, on the Privacy->Subscription Rules page of the admin web GUI for a list, you can choose between three options described thusly:

subscribe_policy (privacy): What steps are required for subscription?

Confirm (*) - email confirmation required
Require approval - require list administrator approval for subscriptions
Confirm and approve - both confirm and approve

(*) when someone requests a subscription, Mailman sends them a notice with a unique subscription request number that they must reply to in order to subscribe.
This prevents mischievous (or malicious) people from creating subscriptions for others without their consent.

I agree it is best not to remove the confirmation requirement. But approval is to let you vet people subscribing and is not the same thing as confirmed subscription.

Original post -


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