After reading up on mime types and making literally hundreds of tests, it seems that the Content filtering on
2.1.4 DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY. Correct me if I'm wrong here - If I:

1) select yes for "Should Mailman filter the content of list traffic according to the settings below?"
2) leave the fields for both content matching boxes empty,
3) and select no for "Should Mailman convert text/html parts to plain text?"

Should the results not be the VERY SAME as if I'd selected no for "Should Mailman filter the content of list traffic according to the settings below?" There is no conversion, and both tests should be skipped because the fields are left blank.

And yet, these two things DO NOT give the same results. Can anyone tell me this is not a bug?

Another case. I turn filtering on, I have nothing in the remove matching field, and I have:


In the remove not matching field. So why do mails with html formatting and images come through with both the image and the html striped?

<>< Paul

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