Even a Texan would not believe that two people making an assertion without presenting supporting evidence makes it the truth.
My point was that it's reproducible.
In either both of your cases do the test messages contain a X-Content-Filtered-By: header
If filtering is on, then yes, the messages contain that header.
If you want to play aggressive lawyer stuff to hostile witness then go someplace else!
Pardon my aggression. I have asked this question half a dozen times in the last year, and up until now the only responses have been private e-mails saying "If you figure it out, tell me how to do it. My understanding Mailman and e-mail in general is very limited compared to many here. What I have been trying to determine is if my understanding of how it should work is correct or not. I'd have been thrilled with a no, but no answer at all is very frustrating.
> Should turning filtering on, leaving both fields empty, and leaving > text/html conversion off give the same results as not turning > filtering on? >
And having text/html conversion in what state in the second case, when you have filter_content to Yes on?
This is the sticking point. Provide some proof of the problem e.g. example data and I will try to helpf fix the problem ...
I can certainly send the stripped e-mails, but I don't see how much good that does. If you can't trust me to accurately report how they get through, how can you trust me to accurately report what was sent or how my list is configured? I explained what I was doing so others could replicate my set up - I think this would give far better data than my forwarding the source of posts.
...but the normal practice for the guy with the problem to do that not expect volunteers
I understand this is open source, and I understand that anyone who takes time to answer it doing it out of the goodness of their heart.
<>< Paul
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