Did you set up your aliases for the list in postfix's alias file? It looks from below like you set this up for mailman--not accessible by postfix.

On Apr 11, 2004, at 6:09 AM, esteve serra clavera wrote:

hi again,
for those who have asked more details on my user unknown error and for
the ones can help me now, here are some more details

as on mailman setup, i added to main.cf

alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, hash:/usr/local/mailman/data/aliases alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases virtual_maps =mysql:/etc/postfix/virtual.cf, #hash:/usr/local/mailman/data/virtual-mailman local_recipient_maps = unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps $virtual_mailbox_maps virtual_mailbox_maps=mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_virt.cf local_transport = virtual

[virtual-mailman hasn't been generated. i guess it's because i only use one domain so it's useless]

it seems it has generated properly the aliases of the lists

xxxxxx:/usr/local/mailman/data# ls -l
total 36
-rw-rw----    1 mailman  mailman       357 Apr 11 11:56 aliases
-rw-r--r--    1 mailman  mailman     12288 Apr 11 11:56 aliases.db
-rw-r--r--    1 root     mailman        10 Mar 20 20:36
-rw-r--r--    1 root     mailman     14110 Mar 20 20:35 sitelist.cfg

when sending an email to one test list it appears at /var/log/mail.log

Apr 11 12:04:06 xxxxxx postfix/smtpd[4867]: connect from
Apr 11 12:04:06 xxxxxx postfix/smtpd[4867]: 58673C676A:
Apr 11 12:04:06 xxxxxx postfix/smtpd[4867]: reject: RCPT from
yyyyyy[]: 550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: User unknown;
Apr 11 12:04:11 xxxxxx postfix/smtpd[4867]: disconnect from

so, what might be wrong?
thanks to everyone

esteve serra clavera [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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