
I have a special need for "group of emails" management, I need mailman users 
help to tell me if mailman matches my needs

1) Group definition

A group is composed of members, if an email is sent to a group, all people 
from the group receive it

2) Subscription policy

I want an administrator to be the only central person to be able to 
register/unregister someone in a group
I have no need for subscription initiated by the user

3) Group composition

As an administrator I would like to be able to register a user in a group, but 
I'd like also to put a group in another group

4) Accessibility policy

Let's say I have created groups A,B and C
As an admin I would like to be able to set the 3 following policies

group A policy : only members of the group A are able to write to group A
group B policy : only members of the group A are able to write to group B
group C policy : anyone on the internet can write to group C

Thanks for your help


Thomas Carrié
Identité GPG : 0285ED14


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