At 11:45 AM -0500 2004/04/28, Roedel, Mark wrote:

 The box that currently hosts our Mailman lists has several different
 hostnames, some of which (including its primary) are only resolvable
 from inside our firewall.

[ ... deletia ... ]

Is it possible to override this behavior?

Yes, but it depends on your MTA. We recently did this on a mail server I am responsible for.

With postfix, you set $myhostname equal to the value you want the outside world to see. You will also need to set $smtp_bind_address to the IP address you want to use for outbound connections.

So long as $myhostname resolves to the IP address specified in $smtp_bind_address, for which the reverse DNS points back to the same name claimed in $myhostname, you should be set.

Note that you may need to make firewall changes to support these application changes. Many firewalls are configured to allow incoming connections, and outgoing packets are only allowed for "established" connections (i.e., in response to a given incoming connection). Outbound connections are typically more limited, and may not include the IP address you specify in $smtp_bind_address.

 Any way (using the SMTPDirect handler, in case that matters) to ensure
 that all headers that refer to the list address use the correct
 hostname?  Reply-To is the most visible problem for list subscribers,
 and although I can of course override that by providing an explicit
 reply-to address, it seems like it'd also be to our benefit to have
 Sender/Errors-To/Return-Path contain reachable addresses as well...

There's no way to fix this problem from within Mailman. You have to fix this problem inside your MTA.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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