----- Original Message Follows -----
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Question on Mailman site list.
Date: Thu, 6 May 2004 14:16:27 -0400
> Kevin W. Gagel wrote:
> > Some time ago I setup mailman, followed some instructions on
> > creating the mailman site list. Now I find I can't access its admin
> > page and I'm not sure what I did. Each time I try to get to the
> > admin page of the mailman list I am redirected back to the list
> > index page for all of the lists.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> You probably have an overzealous redirect in your apache config.
> Check there.
Right you are, I've found it in the httpd-mailman.conf. Unfortunatly I can't
seem to get around it. This file is what the mailman install put in if memory
serves correctly I put the include into my apache.conf for it. Within the
mailman.conf file there is a commented line that the comments say to remove.
That is what is causing the behaviour. I can't figure out how to reduce it to
only redirect if url ends with /mailman it just keeps redirecting anything that
ends with mailman which would be the mailman sitewide list as well. 

Any suggestions?

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