
Tokio Kikuchi wrote:

> Gerardo Ardiles wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is correct to use these to upgrade 2.1.1 --> 2.1.5 ?
> >
> > % cd xxx/mailman.2.1.5
> > % ./configure
> > % make update
>           ^^^^^^ -> install
> You should be careful about the configure options so that they are
> exactly the same as the previous install. If you keep the previous
> source tree, then look the head of config.log.

Thank you very much!! Your answer was really usefull.

My previous install was made with mailman-2.1.2-2.7.2.i386.rpm
Could you or anyone there tell me how to determine the "configure options"
of this program  .rpm?

Thanks in advance,


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