At 7:16 PM +0200 2004/06/01, Brad Knowles wrote:

        What about this is not clear?  You turn off the MTA and the web server,
 and then you follow the instructions for installing the software.
 That's about it.

Further clarification -- a bit further down that same file, it says:

UPGRADING FROM 2.1.4 to 2.1.5

    In Mailman 2.1.5, some significant changes have been made to the file
    formats for qfiles and the pendings database.  All care has been taken to
    make sure the upgrades happen automatically and smoothly, but you should
    double check and, for the ultra-paranoid, make backups of your Mailman
    site before you upgrade.  BE SURE TO TURN OFF MAILMAN AS DESCRIBED ABOVE

    Specifically, in MM2.1.4 every message in the queues were represented by
    two files, a .msg or .pck file containing the email message, and a .db
    file containing metadata about the message.  In MM2.1.5 this has been made
    more efficient by using only one file (with a .pck extension) for both the
    message and metadata.  This should make MM2.1.5 half as hostile to the
    file system.

    The bin/upgrade script, which is run automatically when you upgrade,
    should convert all the old style qfiles to the new style qfiles.  Note
    that this could take a long time if you have a lot of files in your qfiles
    subdirectories.  Pay particular attention to files you might have in
    qfiles/shunt; these will get upgraded too, although files in qfiles/bad
    will not.

Actually, bin/upgrade doesn't exist. But bin/update does. And doing a "make install" will also run bin/update as well. So, following the directions, "./configure; make install" should be what you need to do.

Of course, you'll need to watch the options you pass to "configure", and replicate the ones you had previously used.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

  SAGE member since 1995.  See <> for more info.

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