With a suggestion from Jim Tittsler I extracted the list members with
list_members and then rmlist / newlist to blow away and re-create the
list from scratch. Brutal, but effective.

Jim's fallback suggestion was,

> If so, you can always use withlist to open the list and save the
> m.members dictionary.

which wasn't necessary thankfully; the list_members worked.


Je 2004-05-23 23:00:04 +0100, Paul Makepeace skribis:
> Hi,
> Attempting to edit a list I haven't looked at in a while generated
> errors on the /mailman/admin form. I then tried to peel open the
> config but config_list failed:
>   # config_list -o /tmp/events events
>   Traceback (most recent call last):
>     File "/usr/sbin/config_list", line 348, in ?
>       main()
>     File "/usr/sbin/config_list", line 341, in main
>       do_output(listname, outfile)
>     File "/usr/sbin/config_list", line 117, in do_output
>       do_list_categories(mlist, k, None, outfp)
>     File "/usr/sbin/config_list", line 127, in do_list_categories
>       info = mlist.GetConfigInfo(k, subcat)
>     File "/var/lib/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 428, in GetConfigInfo
>       value = gui.GetConfigInfo(self, category, subcat)
>     File "/var/lib/mailman/Mailman/Gui/General.py", line 53, in GetConfigInfo
>       optvals = [mlist.new_member_options & bitfields[o] for o in OPTIONS]
>   TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'list' and 'int'
>   #
> I've seen this on Google but nothing with a result.
> This is mailman 2.1.4-4 Debian/testing. The list was created Oct/03.
> What can I do to recover the list? Even just pulling out a list of
> members would be enough.
> Thanks, Paul
> -- 
> Paul Makepeace ................................  http://paulm.com/ecademy
> "If you are not on top, then sharks would get some barbecue."
>    -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

Paul Makepeace ................................  http://paulm.com/ecademy

"If I was thin, then you'll fry in hot oil."
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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