At 1:02 PM -0700 2004-06-14, Christopher Adams wrote:

 I see what you  are saying, but the instructions were to create a file
 called, include certain information in it, and then run it
 with the withlist command. While reading abou Python modules, it says
 that you can install  them. I don't know much about Python and am just
 fishing for answers to my various questions.

Sorry, my mistake. I misunderstood the question being asked, and did not connect it with the messages previously sent by Jim Tittsler on this subject.

Unfortunately, you're talking about issues with programming in Python, and I'm not a programmer, nor do I know anything about Python. I think you're going to have to work out these issues with Jim, or someone else on the list who has knowledge in these areas.

If/when you can find a solution to this problem, perhaps you could send that information to Christopher Kolar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), so that he could make suitable updates to documentation at <>.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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