At 7:21 AM -0400 2004-06-17, Anita Lewis wrote:

 We even tried making a new list and left everything at default.  The
 footer is the default. That isn't working either.  I don't think it is
 the footer if the default doesn't work.

Hmm. Did you stop and restart mailman after making changes?

 Could the footer be stripped out for some reason? Maybe something that
 sendmail does to it?

Sendmail shouldn't be doing anything of this sort, but if you're using a tool like MIMEDefang, an anti-virus scanner, an anti-spam processing engine, or anything else other than plain-jane sendmail during the processing of messages, that might.

                       Also could the fact that this box has more than
 one domain on it have anything to do with this?

Dunno. I wouldn't think so.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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