
Why are you so unfriendly ? I only ask a question. There are some mailling software, with this features, other not. If mailman dont have it, no prob. Mailman is a good software, or we dont want to use it.

In a technical way - if is a feature like VERP and individuel bounce managment, than this have technical implications - for example, that the mails dont send mails as a block. If there is a block sending, than you have no chance to implement individual mails.

If this is the situation, its a very logic question to ask, is there a way to do individual content and if not, where the best point to start to programmed a addon.

It could be, that my bad english is a reason, to send unfriendly mails, but i think you have no reason too.

THis is a question from one developr to another. Or dont exist there a development community ? Or is it forbidden to programmed addons to mailman ? Or its impossible to get starting hints for programming addons ?

Am 25.06.2004 um 11:51 schrieb Brad Knowles:

At 11:38 AM +0200 2004-06-25, Frank Simon wrote:

See <http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py? req=show&file=faq03.018.htp>
for related information.

The FAQ entry regarding more for Job Assignment and CRM systems. That
isn`t was i want. I want only custimze the content more than i find in
the FAQ.

I understand. That's why I say that it's related, as opposed to just quoting the FAQ entry for you and letting you read the answer for yourself.

mailman sends mails in a personalize way (Name, Surname at Beginning,
individual unsubscribe- and bounce notices using VERP). In this case i
think, there should be a way to personalize the content too.

To the degree you want? No. I've known plenty of multi-million dollar businesses that have been built on the kind of tool you're looking for, and every one of them has found it necessary to create their own.

The mail-merge problem is so different from the running of a mailing list that you simply cannot take existing tools and abuse them to work the way you want.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

  SAGE member since 1995.  See <http://www.sage.org/> for more info.

Frank Simon                          ECCE TERRAM Internet Services GmbH
Tel. 0441 / 500 120                  Edewechter Landstr. 42
Fax. 0441 / 500 1229                 D-26131 Oldenburg
Ex Astris Scientia

------------------------------------------------------ Mailman-Users mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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