At 5:33 PM -0400 2004-07-08, Ben M. Swihart wrote:

 Mailman basically has a database of e-mail addresses and (optionally)

Actually, it's not a true database. This information is contained within a Python "pickle" structure on disk, for each mailing list.

 All I am trying to accomplish is integrate the powerful functionality of
 mailman with a database of customers.  When someone wishes to contact
 all of their customers by e-mail, then they should be using mailman IMHO
 because it's intelligent about headers, MTA's, logging, configuration,
 and much more.  So... Since I can't expand mailman's database of
 customers, I have to use another database and middleware such as
 MySQL/PHP.  Whenever I manage this database via admin tools, if I delete
 a customer or change their e-mail address, then I have to manage them in
 mailman as well.  It makes no sense to have to have to do things twice
 every time you add/change a customer!

You can use the mailman command-line tools to synchronize against external databases. There are various people on the list who have described their work in doing so. I would encourage you to search the archives of the mailing list.

See <> to learn more about how to search the archives of the mailing list, and <> to learn more about the Mailman command-line programs.

 This basic idea of using mailman in concert with more data about who is
 being e-mailed does not seem all that foreign or unusual to me, but
 reading through the mailman documents and posting to this list leaves me
 feeling like I am trying to use mailman to power my hobby spacecraft to

The problem is that Mailman is a mailing list manager. It is not a customer resources manager, nor does it have direct interfaces to real databases (real database interfaces are supposedly coming for Mailman3).

See <> and also <>.

I'd also encourage you to look at <>.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
    Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

  SAGE member since 1995.  See <> for more info.
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