On Mon, Jul 12, 2004 at 11:38:56AM -0400, michael dunston wrote:

> Does anyone know whether the current htdig-2.1.4-0.1.patch (#444884)
> is compatibile with Mailman 2.1.5?

I found it necessary to make some very minor changes in line numbers in
order to apply cleanly.  Contact me off-list if you're interested and
I'll send you my diffs to Richard's diffs.

>  If not, can Mailman 2.1.4 be
> downloaded from somewhere? 

2.1.4 has a potentially significant security vulnerability (any user can
obtain the list password of any other user) and supposedly has some
performance problems vis-a-vis 2.1.5; see:


That said, older versions can be found at:



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