You can use $prefix/bin/arch to add the contents of .mbox files to the HTML archives of a Mailman mailing list. RUn it with the -h option for more information.

You could consider using the following patch to Mailman for integrating htdig for archive search:

and the following patch which integrates MHonArc for HTML archive page generation, which is compatible with the htdig integration:

These patches are also available via sourceforge.

On 3 Aug 2004, at 17:47, John R. Ackermann N8UR wrote:

Hi --

I just moved a small, but very long lived, mailing list system from Majordomo to Mailman. The basic conversion went just fine, thanks.

I have archives of the old lists going back almost ten years, and I'd like to import those into the Mailman archiver. They're stored in what I think is standard mbox format (each message begins with a "From " line) with each month's messages stored in a single file named something like "list.0303" for the March, 2003 archives.

Is there a way to bring these into the Mailman archive system?



PS -- previously, these archives were processed by wilma/mhonarc/glimpse to make a set of full-text searchable web archives, but for the new system I'm thinking of just adding htdig or similar to the existing Mailman archives rather than trying to maintain a separate system.

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