On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 06:51, Luis Fernando C. Talora wrote:
> Folks,
> I´ve built a server named edoras for Mailman, using Fedora Core 2. My DNS
> have entries for both http://edoras.mydomain.com and www.mydomain.com, both
> pointing to the same IP address. When I try to access the list
> administration page using www.mydomain.com/mailman/test-list/admin, it opens
> OK. When I click on some links, such as Digest Options, the browser is
> redirected to http://edoras.mydomain.com/mailman/test-list/admin and asks
> for list administration password again. I don´t want to use edoras, the host
> name, from the web. 
> Were can I tell Mailman or Apache (or both) not to use the hostname and use
> "www" instead? Could some one help me?
> Thank you all!
> Regards,
> _______________________
> Luis Fernando C. Talora

On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 10:12, Erin Dalzell wrote: 


> http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=all#4.29.
> emd

If you want to use just one default hostname for all your mailman lists,
then you do not have to deal with virtual host setup for mailman. 
Follow the directions for the link above to edit the mm_cfg.py for
'Changing hostnames' but skip the virtual hostname section.  This
ensures that all *future* lists that you set up will use that hostname. 
Then log in to the adminstrative web interface for *each* list that you
have already created and change the hostname on the General Options page
(towards the bottom) to the hostname you want to use
(www.yourhost.com).  That's it!


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