Charles said: ( and then some!)
I am sorry to have bothered you with my "crap" and I am resigning from the list.

HI Charles, ( if youre still here)
I understand your frustration. I have come from running a mailing list with very few options ( that also let in spam and viruses and ALL kinds of garbage) to a Mailman mailing list with so many options I dont know what to do...and yes, sometimes the admins here can be a little brusque... In their defense , running a mailing list where you are answering the same questions over and over again and most of the time because people just didnt DANG READ can cause an admin's eyeballs to burst into flames at times.. ( I keep a fire extinguisher by my monitor for those times when it happens repeatedly on my own mailinglist.... and I also have a little sign up saying:" Listers! Ya gotta love "em! Ya cant strangle "em ")
The problem is, that by venting 6 times and not bothering to edit all the headers and such in your emails, you have subjected the rest of us on this list to miles and miles of tirade...We all know where youre coming from....but , guy, ONCE would have been enough.....
OK, on to MY tirade ... ( grin ) .....
Im dealing with a host who has changed the Mailman defaults so that when I get great suggestions from the list, ( thank you !) I go to our Mailman pages and find that they have removed all of those wonderful options! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
My latest ( Ongoing ) problem is that my partner and I have emails set up for our domain
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ... the mail is bouncing ( probably because we are running it through another server .... mine is .... ) ... We are getting knocked off our own mailing list because of bounces... In the interest of brevity, I wont send all the headers ( if you need them, I will ) ...
BAsic error message Im getting is this:
Action: Subscription disabled.
Reason: Excessive or fatal bounces.
The triggering bounce notice is attached below.
This message is looping: it already has my Delivered-To line. (#5.4.6)
( and yes, I searched the FAQs and couldnt find anything )

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