On Wed, Sep 29, 2004 at 05:50:21AM +0200, Luc Saffre said:
> Trying to get Mailman running with Exim4 on a Debian Sarge/testing server.
> I followed the instructions in README.Debian.gz and  README.EXIM.gz (both in
>  /usr/share/doc/mailman/).
> The following test looks good:
> # exim4 -bt pesamunad
> R: system_aliases for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   router = mailman_router, transport = mailman_transport
> Here is what appears in the mainlog when a list member sends a mail to the
> list:
> 2004-09-29 06:24:07 1CCV4Z-0003Jq-N7 <= [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>   H=mta2.mail.neti.ee (MXR-7.estpak.ee) [] 
>   P=esmtp S=803 
> 2004-09-29 06:24:09 1CCV4Z-0003Jq-N7 => pesamunad
>   R=mailman_router T=mailman_transport
> 2004-09-29 06:24:09 1CCV4Z-0003Jq-N7 Completed
> But that's all. The message gets accepted but is never sent out to the
> members of the list. 
> It remains in a directory /var/lib/mailman/qfiles/in/,
> in a file named
> 1096428248.9453189+c376c962677380e0e57393513013851615b814cc.pck
> Any ideas about what may go wrong?

Mailman isn't running it's queue - check the various logs for why.
|  Stephen Gran                  | E.T. GO HOME!!!  (And take your Smurfs  |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | with you.)                              |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve |                                         |
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