
I have had a problem with my list since mid September and It hasn't been solved.
I have a website www.dancecentral.com.au that is hosted by www.nomonthlyfees.com , and 
everything is set up for me to create and edit a mailing list using an interface 
through a browser. So that means I did not install mailman on the server (I don't 
think I would know how) and I have no access to any settings other than the list 
manager settings. For anything that needs to be done or checked on the server I have 
to ask the system administrator and they are in the US and I am in Australia and they 
usually reply with 48hrs (which explains why the problem has been dragging). 

I started a list with 10 addresses belonging to people instructed to reply to the 
emails so that I could make sure it all worked... I tested the list, adjusting the 
settings to make sure it was going to do what I want...
It is meant to be on way list just for me to send our weekly newsletter. I have set it 
to have every member moderated so that if anyone sends an email to the list It won't 
actually get through and will be held in the pending requests (I checked the info on 
creating one way lists but that would have involved work to be done by the system 
admin and I want to avoid that). 

Everything was working OK, everyone getting emails... Then I loaded about 5000 email 
Since then I have been sending emails to the list and I cannot figure out what the 
pattern is but only some members are getting the email but most don't.
I know because out of the original 10 members, only a few get it, I have 3 addresses 
that I check and one never gets it, another gets it 12 hours later. 
Also I don't get the usual response from our customers that I used to get before 

It's been a nightmare trying to get this to work... I am getting very little 
explanation or help from the system admin... often just one line response... on the 
other hand I did get very good response from using this newsletter and I have passed 
on the info to the tech and as far the only thing they seem to have done is to lower 
the SMTP_MAX as it was suggested by Mark Sapiro. Also I am told mailman is running 
correctly and from what I gathered they are using version 2.1.5 . their next 
suggestion was to move us to another server.

I also had a suggestion from Brad Knowles to check this : 
http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=show&file=faq03.014.htp I passed it on 
but I also wonder if this applies in my case since some recipients are getting the 

Sorry for the lengthy E-Mail but I thought I'd put in all info... Thank you for 
reading it all and Great if you think you can shed some light on this problem or 
suggest a way to fix it.

Thanks you

Jean-Luc Stora
Dance Central
Level 1 - 268 Cleveland St
Surry Hills 2010
Ph: 02 9319-2268

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:32 PM
Subject: Email not being distributed...


I created a small list of about 10 members to start and tested it for a couple of 
days... changing settings to make sure all goes the way It should.
Then I finished loading the email address and I have almost 5000.
I tried today to send my first newsletter and it looks like it's not being distributed 
(I know because I have several addresses that I own and that I keep checking).
I made sure the maximum kb per email was set high enough also the recipient filter is 
set to 10000 recipients..... so it should work just like when I sent the test emails 
to 10 people.

I spend several hours on this and cannot figure out why it isn't working...

Any ideas... ? 

Thanks .

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