Carl Fairweather wrote:
>I am using your Mailmain service as a newsletter/announcement facility. I
>have checked the FAQ page
> which
>talks about customising the welcome messages txt page so that subscribers
>donšt get informed of posting and password information. It explains I need
>to create a directory lists/<yourlist>/en and copy
>templates/subscribeack.txt to it. I am using Mailman online so would like to
>know how do I get access to the directories, for creating and editing. I am
>slightly confused by the FAQ explanation.

You need command line (i.e. shell) access or possibly FTP access to the
machine on which Mailman is installed with sufficient permissions to
create the required files and probably change their owner and group.
If you don't have this or know what it means, you have to talk to the
people responsible for installing/maintaining your Mailman.

>Also, is there a file I can edit for the subscription confirmation email?

It is analagous to the subscribeack.txt template - its name is

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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