At 4:42 PM -0400 2004-10-18, John Wheaton wrote:

I am curious whether Mailman will work on Solaris,

Yes, it will work on Solaris. See <> for some information on this topic.

                                                    and how best to
 integrate it with our current web site.

That's a tougher question. How do you want it to integrate with your web site?

 Can Mailman be installed alongside our website? In other words, is it
 self contained?


                  Can its bin and lib files, for example, be installed
 in our web directory, and still allow Mailman to function?

Do you mean as an unprivileged user? No, that won't work. Mailman needs to be installed as it's own userid/groupid, which needs to be the same that will be used by the web server and the mail server, at least for the Mailman-related functions.

 Our other possible solution is to host the mailing lists on one of our
 own Linux servers, if the app cannot be installed on our host's server.
 Since we run Exchange Server, I am trying to simplify matters by hosting
 the mailing lists offsite, though.

You're running Exchange Server on Linux?!? If you've got a Linux box somewhere and you have privileged access to that machine, you can install and run Mailman there. The Linux box should have the software you will need to interface with Mailman, typically something like Apache (for the web server) and sendmail or postfix (for the mail server).

Exchange would be something run somewhere else, presumably on a Windows server of some sort.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
    Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

  SAGE member since 1995.  See <> for more info.
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