did you follow the link that AOL supplied?

The IP address you are sending from has been temporarily rate limited due to AOL Member complaints.

their suggestions are there, also.

On Oct 20, 2004, at 8:29 AM, John Fleming wrote:

I've followed the "AOL members not receiving list mail" thread from last
month, but I don't find any particular resolution. I've just started a new
list with 200+ members, and ALL of the AOL addys bounced with the following:

host mailin-03.mx.aol.com[] said: 421-: (RLY:H1)
http://postmaster.info.aol.com/errors/421rlyh1.html 421 SERVICE NOT
AVAILABLE (in reply to end of DATA command)

Anyone know of a specific answer to this problem?  THANKS!  - John

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