On Oct 21, 2004, at 6:06 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
blacklist. Even though the list mail is finally coming from my server,
couldn't the presence of his IP or ISP in the message headers be enough
trigger the blacklist? - john


Yes, actually.

That's not quite right, I don't think, because if the sender uses
Squirrelmail on my server,

actually, if the received lines have a blacklisted IP in it anywhere in the chain, there's a good chance sites will block it. And yes, many of them will report back YOUR IP address (as the one doing delivery) as being blocked, even though they're blocking soemthing two or three hops prior.

I've seen some amazingly badly written and stupid spam blocking stuff out there. Much of which I write off as "hey, if your users are stupid enough to let you get away with throwing that stuff at their email, we'll, that's their problem". AOL is not immune to that kind of "your admins are on drugs, or need them" feeling.

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