Anne Shroeder - Internet Society wrote:

>I need to open up a particular list to a larger group of people; however,
>the leaders of the list wish to make all previous archived messages
>inaccessible to the new subscribers.  Is there a way to archive the archives
>to a different location where they are not available to all members of the
>list, but are still not hard to get to for old members or at least to the

FAQ article 3.3 has useful info on this.

>Mailman FAQ:

Basically what you want to do is move the
archives/private/listname.mbox/listname.mbox somewhere else and
replace it with an empty file with the same name and permissions (or
copy it elsewhere and then empty it), and then run

 bin/arch --wipe listname

This will remove everything from the listname archive and start it over
and you will still have the old messages in the old listname.mbox file.

If you want to have an accessable pipermail archive with the old
messages, you could create a list, say old-list, and move the old
.mbox file to archives/old-list.mbox/old-list.mbox and then build an
archive with

 bin/arch --wipe old-list

Of course, that archive would need to be private and people who need
access to it would need to be subscribed to old-list and old-list set
up fully moderated so people couldn't post to it, ...

That's pretty messy, but there's not much choice if you want to give
people access to the old archive via Mailman.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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