Mark Sapiro wrote:

> bin/update converts data files, qfiles, list data, etc. as necessary to
> bring them from an older format to that of the current Mailman. If you
> have an installation and you upgrade the Mailman software, the update
> is run automatically as part of the upgrade. However, if you move an
> existing list that is in an old format to an already installed newer
> Mailman version (which is what I thought you did, but maybe not), I
> think you need to run bin/update to update the list files.
> If you moved to the new server and then upgraded to 2.1.5, then you
> don't need to run bin/update separately. If you installed 2.1.5 on the
> new server and then moved your lists from the old server, I think you
> do need to run bin/update.

Running bin/update is not necessary if you only use the config.db file to
move the list from Mailman 2.0.  I've moved lots of lists over from
Mailman 2.0 to Mailman 2.1 and never ran update.

After creating the list on the 2.1 server I put the old config.db file in
the list directory, rename the config.pck to config.pck.bak, and then
access the list via the web interface.  Mailman converts the config.db
file to a config.pck file.  Of course the web_page_url needs updated to
the new server.

I've never encountered any problems moving this in this manner.

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