Mark wrote:
>I am running a list set to immediately send administrative requests
>(admin_immed_notify  set to yes), but I am getting daily notices as
>well.  I don't want to receive daily notices.  The immediate notices
>are sufficient.  Nor do I see the logic in filling my inbox with
>daily notices when I'm not around or haven't had a chance to process 
>the immediate notices that are already sitting there.
>Is there any way to change this??

You could delete the checkdbs entry from crontab, but this would affect
all lists and also would have the side effect of never clearing stale
entries from hold_and_cmd_autoresponses[] (I don't think this is
serious because I don't think there is ever more than one entry per
user - stale entries get "reused").

The only other way and the only way to do it per list is to change the
code in checkdbs.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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