brad wrote:
>But here is the key:
>*** I don't want to just customize the look and feel of the page, I want
>data that the users enter into new "title" and "company" fields be entered
>and accessible in the Mailman database so that we can at least try to verify
>that people who join the list are not competitors, and are truly our
>In other words I want to add two fields to the <MM-Subscribe-Box> part of
>the "General list information page". That page already has
><MM-Subscribe-Box> and a <mm-fullname-box> fields, I would like to somehow
>add a <mm-jobtitle-box> and a <mm-company-box> and be able to access the
>data that the customers enter for those field later on.
>I guess the easiest way to do this would be for the customers to add text on
>the page "Please put your name, title, and company in this field) above the
>"name" <mm-fullname-box>, and then they would submit this data for the email
>and name fields:
>John Doe, President, ABC Corp
>But my boss would prefer not doing it that way. I am sure this is probably
>possible modifying the python code, but I am looking for an easy way, if
>possible, of doing this.

You could certainly modify the subscribe form to add the two additional
fields. You wouldn't necessarily have to define <mm-jobtitle-box> and
<mm-company-box> to do this. You could just add the HTML for the
fields directly to the edited template.

But either way, what next? You have to modify the processing of the
form to accept and validate these fields and store these values in
newly defined attributes in the member database (stock database is
included with list configuration in the list's config.pck pickle).
You'd also have to deal with collecting the data in these fields via
other subscription methods such as e-mail. It looks to me like changes
to several pieces of Mailman would be involved.

And we haven't even addressed what you're going to do with this

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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