Bob McLeran wrote:

>Using the administrative pages, the Non-Digest options sections, the 
>last item on the page is "Footer added to mail sent to regular list 
>members."  I want to add a footer containing the & character as part of 
>the text, but when I put the ampersand (&) in the footer text, it 
>doesn't display - in fact it displays"&amp" and some other characters.

Text entries on the admin pages are processed through cgi.escape()
which converts "<", ">" and "&" to "&lt;", "&gt;" and "&amp;"
respectively. This is done to prevent a malicious list owner from
including HTML scripts in text which is ultimately rendered on web
pages including the admin pages themselves.

>How do I get the ampersand to display properly in the text?

You can use bin/config_list or bin/withlist to replace msg_footer with
the text you want.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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