Andrew Watson wrote:

>I am using the arch script to re-create some archives from the .mbox files.
>Although there were no posts in 2005, it creates a few archive 
>entries for 2005.
>I am running arch in 2005, and suspect that it may use the current 
>year when a date can't be identified for a post. But the question is 
>why? Is arch unable to deal with some .mbox contents? This is 
>happening with five different .mbox files, so it seems to be a 
>systematic problem. The .mbox files were transfered via ftp, in 
>either binary or text form, with same result.
>Any suggestions appreciated.

First try bin/cleanarch and if that doesn't fix the problem completely,
look at the messages (or partial messages due to unescaped ^From\ 
lines) that wind up in 2005. Find these in the .mbox file and fix them

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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