On Jan 7, 2005, at 02:28, Dave Stern - Former Rocket Scientist wrote:

in the URL in the mail message rather than the cname. As per faq 4.29, I've added to mm_cfg.py something like

DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'listserver.mydomain.ru'
DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'listserver.mydomain.ru'
Yet the name still bleeds thru in the advertised URL. Is there something
else that needs to be done?

After changing the URL, did you use the bin/fix_url.py script (run it with no args to learn how to use it with 'withlist') to update existing lists?

Jim Tittsler             http://www.OnJapan.net/      GPG: 0x01159DB6
Python Starship          http://Starship.Python.net/
Ringo MUG Tokyo          http://www.ringo.net/rss.html

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