Glen Low wrote:
>Thanks that was very helpful, shall try to see if that works.
>More qns, especially since you seem to have the same sort of setup:

Just for the record - I don't really have the same sort of setup. I
have Mailman running in a virtual domain on the host machine. Apache
and sendmail run globally on the same machine. When we set up Mailman,
we already had procmail processing the mail to this domain so it
seemed natural to use procmail for Mailman rather than sendmail
aliases. That way, someone who creates a list only needs access to
.procmailrc in our domain rather than the global sendmail aliases.

Brad has already replied to your questions on the list, and I can't
really go beyond what he said.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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